Wednesday 12 June 2013

Gosh, I've been busy!

Well here we are already into June and what a hectic but great few months I’ve just had! I’ve been really busy with my book tour and have had the chance to meet lots of my readers which has been wonderful. Thank you to everyone at the different venues who turned up to meet me.

And then of course, my 20th novel, Home Front Girls has now been released and it seems from the reviews that you are all enjoying it so I’m thrilled about that. It’s available in hardback and on Kindle at present but the paperback will be available in September. I also have the release of A Mother’s Shame to look forward to later this year and I hope you’ll all like that one too. I really enjoyed writing it and in this one we are going back in time and we’re off to Australia! The joys of being an author – I can go all around the world without even leaving my office, not that I would have fancied a sea voyage back in the 19th century! The poor passengers suffered horrendous hardships and deaths were common as the conditions they were forced to live in were abysmal. Still, I hope you’ll all enjoy the journey back in time with Isabelle and Maria, my main characters.

On a more personal note I’m delighted to report that my beautiful new granddaughter, Layla Rose was born on Sunday 5th May at 9 a.m. weighing in at 7lbs 5oz. She is absolutely gorgeous – not that I’m biased of course – and she is already gaining weight and is as good as gold just like her daddy was when he was a baby. I was very privileged to be present at her birth and have included a photo of her taken shortly after she arrived. I shall keep you all updated on her progress over the next few months.

And now it’s back to work for me. Do keep your messages coming. I love to hear from you and I hope you all have a wonderful summer.

Lots of love

Rosie x